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fx-82MS      fx-82TL      fx-9860GII      TI-83

CASIO fx-9860GII manual

 AC/ON  Turn on / All Clear / Interrupt
 OFF  Turn off


General operations RUN·MAT
JUMP  Jump on screen
TOP  Top of screen
BTM  Bottum of screen
PgUp  Page up
PgDn  Page down
DEL  Delete on screen 
DEL∙L  Delete line
DEL∙A  Delete all
MAT  Matrix operations
DEL  Delete matrix
DEL·A  Delete all matrices
DIM  Dimension of a matrix
 EXE  Matrix editor
R-OP Row operations
SWAP  Swap rows
XRw  Multiply a scalar and a row
XRw+  Add the product of a scalar and a row
Rw+  Add a row to another row
ROW Delete, insert or add a row
DEL  Delete a row
INS  Insert a row
ADD  Add a row
COL Delete, insert or add a column
DEL  Delete a column
INS  Insert a column
ADD  Add a column
EDIT  Cell editing screen
MATH  Mathematical calculations
Statistics STAT
GRPH  Graph parameters
GPH1  Draw graph1
GPH2  Draw graph2
GPH3  Draw graph3
SEL Simultaneous graph selection
SET Statistical graph settings
CALC Statistical calculations
1VAR  Single-variable
2VAR  Paired-variable
REG Regression calculations
X Linear regression
ax+b  form
a+bx  form
Med  Linear regression with respect to the median
x^2  Quadratic regression
x^3  Cubic regression
x^4  Quartic regression
Log  Logarithmic regression
EXP Exponential regression
ae^bx  form
ab^x  form
Pwr  Power regression
Sin  Sinusoidal regression
Lgst  Logistic regression
SET Graph settings
TEST  Test calculations
Z  Z test
1-S  One-sample Z test
2-S  Two-sample Z test
1-P  One-proportion Z test
2-P  Two-proportion Z test
t  t test
1-S  One-sample t test
2-S  Two-sample test
REG  Linear regression test
CHI  χ2 test
GOF  χ2 one-way test
2WAY  χ2 two-way test
F  Two-sample test
ANOV Analysis of variance
1  One-way ANOVA
2  Two-way ANOVA
INTR  Confidence interval calculations
Z  Z interval
1-S  One-sample Z interval
2-S  Two-sample Z interval
1-P  One-proportion Z interval
2-P  Two-proportion Z interval
t  t interval
1-S  One-sample t interval
2-S  Two-sample interval
DIST  Distribution calculations
EDIT  Edit the current cell
DEL  Delete line
DEL-A Delete all
INS  Insert a line
eActivity e∙ACT
OPEN  Open eActivity file or folder
FILE  File operations
SAVE  Save the file
SV·AS  Save the file under another name
OPT  Optimize storage memory
CAPA  Display the memory capacity
STRP Insert a strip
TEXT  Text input is enabled
CALC  Calculation input is enabled
CHAR  Input of characters and symbols
MATH  Mathematical symbols
SYBL  General symbols
ABΓ  Greek alphabet (capitals)
αβγ  Greek alphabet (small letters)
ABC  Latin alphabet
A⇔a  Upper and lower case
JUMP  Jump on screen
TOP  Top of screen
BTM  Bottum of screen
PgUp  Page up
PgDn  Page down
DEL·L  Delete line
INS  Insert a line
TEXT  Insert a text line
CALC  Insert a calculation line
STOP  Insert a calculation stop line
MATH  Mathematical calculations
MAT  Matrix editor
LIST  List editor
NEW  Create a new eActivity file
DEL  Delete eActivity file
SRC  Search for an eActivity file
Spreadsheet S∙SHT
FILE  File operations
NEW Create new file
OPEN Open file
SV·AS  Save file under another name
RECAL  Recalculate all of the formulas
EDIT  Edit spreadsheet cells
CUT  Cut selected cells
COPY  Copy selected cells
PASTE  Paste cells
CELL  Edit cell data
JUMP Jump in spreadsheet
SEQ  Sequence of numbers
FILL  Fill cells with formula
SRT·A  Sort in ascending order
SRT·D  Sort in descending order
DEL  Delete data
INS  Insert data
CLR  Clear contents of a cell
GRPH  Graph parameters
GPH1  Draw graph1
GPH2  Draw graph2
GPH3  Draw graph3
SEL Simultaneous graph selection
SET Statistical graph settings
CALC  Statistical calculations
STO  Store spreadsheet data
VAR  Store in variable memory
LIST  Store in list memory
FILE Store in file memory
MAT  Store in matrix memory
RCL  Recall spreadsheet data
LIST  Recall from list memory
FILE  Recall from file memory
MAT  Recall from matrix memory
Data entry functions
GRAB  Grab mode
SET  Set cell reference name
GO  Go to a cell
TOP Top up
TOP Top left
BOT Bottum down
BOT Bottum right
$  Absolute reference command
:  Range specification command
If  Branch condition command
CEL  Cell commands
Min  Cell minimum value
Max  Cell maximum value
Mean  Mean of cells
Med  Median of cells
Sum  Sum of cells
Prod  Product of cells
REL  Relational commands
=  Equal
  Not equal
>  Greater-than
<  Less-than
  Greater or equal
  Less or equal
Graphing GRAPH
SEL Select a graph
DEL Delete a graph
TYPE  Type of graph
Y =  Rectangular coordinate (Y = f (x) type) graph
r =  Polar coordinate graph
Parm  Parametric graph
X =  Rectangular coordinate (X = f (y) type) graph
CONV  Convert the function type
Y >  (Y > f (x) type) inequality graph
Y <  (Y < f (x) type) inequality graph
Y ≥  (Y ≥ f (x) type) inequality graph
Y ≤  (Y ≤ f (x) type) inequality graph
X >  (X > f (y) type) inequality graph
X <  (X < f (y) type) inequality graph
X ≥  (X ≥ f (y) type) inequality graph
X ≤  (X ≤ f (y) type) inequality graph
STYL Style of graph
GMEM Graph memory
DRAW Draw graphs
Dynamic graphing DYNA
SEL  Select a graph
DEL  Delete a graph
TYPE  Type of graph
VAR  Variable
B-IN  Built-in function type list
RCL  Recall dynamic graph memory and draw
Table handling TABLE
SEL  Select a table
DEL  Delete formula
TYPE  Type of table graph
STYL  Style of table graph
SET  Table setting
TABL  Show table format
Graphing recursion formulas RECUR
SEL+S  Select a function and a line style
DEL  Delete formula
TYPE  Recursion type and input the formula··  Configure table generation settings
SET  Table setting
TABL  Generate the recursion formula number table
Graphing conic sections CONICS
RECT  Rectangular coordinate
POL  Polar coordinate
PARM  Parametric
Equations EQUA
SIML  Simultaneous linear equation
POLY  Polynomial equation
SOLV  Solve the equations
Programming PRGM
EXE Execute program
EDIT Edit program
TOP  Top of program
BTM  Bottum of program
SRC Search program
MENU Menu of programming commands
Aa  Upper and lower case
CHAR Character input
MATH  Mathematical symbols
SYBL  General symbols
ABΓ  Greek alphabet (capitals)
αβγ  Greek alphabet (small letters)
ABC  Latin alphabet
NEW New program
RUN  General calculation program input
BASE  Number base program input
┬┬O  Password registration
SYBL Symbol input
DEL Delete program
DEL·A Delete all programs
SRC Search program
REN Rename program
Financials TVM
SMPL  Simple interest
CMPD  Compound interest
CASH  Cash flow
AMT  Amortization
CNVT  Interest rate conversion
COST  Cost, selling price, margin
DAYS  Day/date calculations
DEPR  Depreciation calculations
BOND  Bond calculations
EA-200 controller E-CON2
SET  Setup EA-200
MEM  Setup memory
PROG  Program converter
STRT  Start sampling
GRPH  Graph analysis
HELP  Help
Data communications LINK
TRAN  Transmit
RECV  Receive
CABL  Cable type
WAKE  Wakeup setting
CAPT  Capture screen image
Memory manager MEMORY
MAIN  Main memory
SMEM  Storage memory
BKUP  Backup
OPT  Optimization
Sytem manager SYSTEM
◁ ►  Contrast
+ −  Power properties
LANG  Language
VER  Version
RSET  Reset

Default settings  SET UP 

Input and output mode Input/Output
Math Mathematical input
Line Linear input
Angle unit Angle
Deg Degrees
Rad Radians
Gra Grads
Mode of operation Mode
Comp Computational
Dec Decimal
Hex Hexadecimal
Bin Binair
Oct Octal
Complex mode Complex Mode
Real Real numbers only
a+bi Rectangular form
r∠θ Polar form
Display format Display
Fix Fixed format
Sci Significant numbers
Norm Exponential format
Eng Engineering notation
Fraction result Frac Result
d/c Improper fraction
a b/c Mixed fraction
Function type Func Type
Y= Rectangular coordinate y graph
r= Polar coordinate graph
Parm Parametric graph
X= Rectangular coordinate x graph
Drawing type Draw Type
Con Connected points
Plot Unconnected points
Derivative Derivative
Sketching lines Sketch Line
———— Normal
■■■■■■ Thick
■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Broken
∙∙∙∙∙∙∙ Dotted
Statistic window Stat Wind
Auto Automatic
Man Manual

Selecting a numeral system

d~o  Decimal, hexadecimal, binary, octal
LOG  Logic operations
DISP  Display conversions

Program commands  PRGM 

COM  Commands
CTL  Control commands
JUMP  Jump commands
?  Input command
  Output command
CLR  Clear commands
DISP  Display commands
REL Relational commands
I/O  I/O commands
Multi-statement command
STR  String commands
Join  Join
Len  Length
Cmp  Compare
Src  Source
Left  Left
Right  Right
Mid  Middle
E►S  Export to string
Exp  Export
Upr  Upper
Lwr  Lower
Inv  Inverse
Shift  Shift
Rot  Rotate
Prog  Program

Programming commands MENU

Statistical commands STAT
DRAW  Draw commands
On Draw on
Off Draw off
GRPH  Graph commands
GPH1 Draw graph1 command
GPH2 Draw graph2 command
GPH3 Draw graph3 command
Scat  Scatter diagram
x y  x y line graph
Hist  Histogram
Box  Box graph
Bar  Bar graph
N·Dis  Normal distribution curve
Brkn  Broken line graph
X  Linear regression graph
Med  Med graph
x^2  Quadratic regression graph
x^3  Cubic regression graph
x^4  Quartic regression graph
Log  Logarithmic regression graph
EXP  Exponential regression graph
ae^bx  command
ab^x  command
Pwr  Power regression graph
Sin  Sinusoidal regression graph
NPP  Normal probability plot
Lgst  Logistic regression graph
Pie  Pie graph
List  List command
TYPE  Type commands
MARK  Plot mark types
  Square command
×  Cross command
  Dot command
STICK  Stick types
Leng  Length command
HZtl  Horizontal command
%DATA  Pie types
%  Percentage command
Data  Data command
None  No type command
DIST  Distribution commands
DrwN  Draw normal disribution command
Drwt  Draw student-t disribution command
DrwC  Draw χ2 disribution command
DrwT  Draw F disribution command
CALC  Calculation commands
1VAR  Single-variable command
2VAR  Paired-variable command
X  Linear regression
ax+b  command
a+bx  command
Med  Linear regression command with respect to the median
x^2  Quadratic regression command
x^3  Cubic regression command
x^4  Quartic regression command
Log  Logarithmic regression command
EXP  Exponential regression
ae^bx  command
ab^x  command
Pwr  Power regression command
Sin  Sinusoidal regression command
Lgst  Logistic regression command
Matrix commands MAT
Swap  Swap command
×Rw  Product of rows command
×Rw+  Product of rows and addition command
Rw+  Row addition command
List sort commands LIST
Srt·A  Sort in ascending order
Srt·D  Sort in descending order
Graph commands GRPH
SEL  Select graph
On  Graph selection on
Off  Graph selection off
TYPE  Type of graph
Y= Rectangular coordinate y graph
r= Polar coordinate graph
Parm Parametric graph
X= Rectangular coordinate x graph
Y>  (Y > f (x) type) inequality graph
Y<  (Y < f (x) type) inequality graph
Y≥  (Y ≥ f (x) type) inequality graph
Y≤  (Y ≤ f (x) type) inequality graph
X>  (X > f (y) type) inequality graph
X<  (X < f (y) type) inequality graph
X≥  (X ≥ f (y) type) inequality graph
X≤  (X ≤ f (y) type) inequality graph
STYL Style of graph
———— Normal
■■■■■■ Thick
■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Broken
∙∙∙∙∙∙∙ Dotted
GMEM Graph memory
Sto Store in memory
Rcl Recall from memory
Dynamic graph commands DYNA
On  Dynamic graph on
Off  Dynamic graph off
Var  Dynamic variable
TYPE  Type of graph
Y= Rectangular coordinate graph
r= Polar coordinate graph
Parm Parametric graph
Table graph commands TABL
On  Table graph on
Off  Table graph off
TYPE  Type of graph
Y= Rectangular coordinate graph
r= Polar coordinate graph
Parm Parametric graph
STYL Style of graph
———— Normal
■■■■■■ Thick
■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Broken
∙∙∙∙∙∙∙ Dotted
Recursion graph commands RECR
SEL+S Select a function and a style
On  Recursion graph on
Off  Recursion graph off
———— Normal
■■■■■■ Thick
■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Broken
∙∙∙∙∙∙∙ Dotted
TYPE  Type of recursion graph
an General term of the sequence
an+1  Linear two-term recursion
an+2  Linear three-term recursion··  Recursion generation settings
n  Number
an  Linear one-term recursion
an+1  Linear two-term recursion
an+2  Linear three-term recursion
bn  Linear one-term recursion
bn+1  Linear two-term recursion
bn+2  Linear three-term recursion
Cn  Linear one-term recursion
Cn+1  Linear two-term recursion
Cn+2  Linear three-term recursion
Σan  Sum of linear one-term recursion
Σan+1  Sum of linear two-term recursion
Σan+2  Sum of linear three-term recursion
Σbn  Sum of linear one-term recursion
Σbn+1  Sum of linear two-term recursion
Σbn+2  Sum of linear three-term recursion
ΣCn  Sum of linear one-term recursion
ΣCn+1  Sum of linear two-term recursion
ΣCn+2  Sum of linear three-term recursion
RANG  Range data settings
a0  Range a0
a1  Range a1

Option menu  OPTN 

List data manipulation functions LIST
List Contents of a list
L→M Transfer lists to matrix answer memory
Dim Dimension of a list
Fill Fill the same value in a list
Seq Generate a sequence of values in a list
Min Minimum value
Max Maximum value
Mean Mean value
Med Median value
Aug Combine lists
Sum Sum
Prod Product
Cuml Cumulative frequency
% Percentage
Modify matrices with matrix commands MAT
Mat  Mat command
M→L  Mat→List command
Det  Det-command
Trn  Trn command
Aug  Augment command
Iden  Identity command
Dim  Dim command
Fill  Fill command
Ref  Ref command
Rref  Rref command
Complex number calculations CPLX
i Imaginary unit
Abs Absolute value
Arg Argument
Conjg Conjugate
ReP Real part
ImP Imaginary part
r∠θ Polar transformation
a+bi Rectangular transformation
Calculations CALC
Solve Solve calculation
d/dx Differential calculation
d²/dx² Quadratic differential calculation
∫dx Integration calculation
SolveN Solve calculation using numerical analysis
FMin  Function minimum
FMax  Function maximum
∑(  Sum
logab  Logarithm
Int÷  Integer division
Rmdr  Remainder
Simp  Simplification
Statistical data manipulation functions STAT
  Estimated x-value command
  Estimated y-value command
DIST  Distribution calculatons
S·Dev  Standard deviation command
VAR  Variance command
Metric conversions CONV
  Link commands
LENG  Length
AREA  Area
VLUM  Volume
TIME  Time
TMPR  Temperature
VELO  Velocity
MASS  Mass
FORC  Force
PRES  Pressure
ENGY  Energy
PWR  Power
Hyperbolic functions HYP
sinh Hyperbolic sine
cosh Hyperbolic cosine
tanh Hyperbolic tangent
sinh-1 Inverse hyperbolic sine
cosh-1 Inverse hyperbolic cosine
tanh-1 Inverse hyperbolic tangent
Probability calculations PROB
x! Factorial
nCr Combination
nPr Permutation
RAND Random number generation
Ran# Random number
RanInt# Random integer
RanNorm# Generation in accordance with normal distribution
RanBin# Generation in accordance with binomial distribution
RanList#  Multiple generation in a list
  Normal probability distribution
P(  Percentage of normal probability P(t) value
Q(  Quartile of normal probability Q(t) value
R(  Percentile of normal probability R(t) value
t(  Normalized variate t(x) value
Numerical calculations NUM
Abs  Absolute value
Int  Integer value
Frac  Fraction value
Rnd  Rounded value
Intg  Integer value
RndFi  Rounded value to a fixed number
GCD  Greatest common divisor
LCM  Least common multiple
MOD  Modulus of division
MOD·E  Modulus of an exponential function
Enter angle units ANGL
o Degrees
r Radians
g Grads
  Coordinate conversion
Rec( Rectangular coordinates
Pol( Polar coordinates
  Degrees - Minutes - Seconds
o , ,, Input of degrees-minutes-seconds
o , ,, Convert decimal to degrees-minutes-seconds
DMS Transform to degrees-minutes-seconds
Enter engineering symbols ESYM
m milli
µ micro
n nano
p pico
f femto
k kilo
M Mega
G Giga
T Tera
P Peta
E  Exa
  Engineering notation
ENG Engineering notation (left)
ENG  Engineering notation (right)
Background picture PICT
Sto Store picture
Rcl Recall picture
Function memory FMEM
fn Function number
Logic operators LOGIC
And  Logical AND
Or  Logical OR
Not  Logical NOT
Xor  Logical XOR
Captured image CAPT
Rcl  Recall screen image
Financial calculations TVM
SMPL  Simple interest calculations
SI Simple interest
SFV Simple future value
CMPD  Compound interest
n  Installments
I%  Anual interest rate
PV  Present value
PMT  Payment
FV  Future value
CASH  Cash flow
NPV  Net present value
IRR  Internal rate of return
PBP  Payback period
NFV  Net future value
AMT  Amortization
BAL  Balance of principal
INT  Interest portion
PRN  Principal portion
∑INT  Total interest paid
∑PRN  Total principal paid
CNVT  Interest rate conversion
EFF  Effective interest rate
APR  Annual percentage rate
COST  Cost, selling price, margin
Cost  Cost
Sell  Selling price
Mrg  Margin
DAYS  Day/date calculations
PRD  Period
BOND  Bond calculations
PRC  Price per $100 of face value
YLD  Annual yield

Variable data menu  VARS 

Recalling V-window values V·WIN
X  x-axis coordinate parameters
min  Minimum x-axis value
max  Maximum x-axis value
scal  Spacing of x-axis increments
dot  Value that corresponds to one x-axis dot
Y  y-axis coordinate parameters
min  Minimum y-axis value
max  Maximum y-axis value
scal  Spacing of y-axis increments
T,θ  T,θ parameters
min  Minimum T,θ value
max  Maximum T,θ value
ptch  Pitch T,θ
R-X  Right x-axis menu
R-Y  Right y-axis menu
R-T.θ  Right T,θ menu
Recalling zoom factors FACT
Xfct  x-axis zoom factor
Yfct  y-axis zoom factor
Recalling statistical data STAT
X  Single or paired variable x-data
n  Number of data
x  Sum
x²  Sum of squares
σx  Population standard deviation
sx  Sample standard deviation
minX  Minimum value
maxX  Maximum value
Y  Paired variable y-data
GRPH  Graph data menu
PTS  Summary point data menu
INPT  Statistical calculation input values
RESLT  Statistical calculation output values
Recalling graph functions GRPH
Y  Rectangular coordinate or inequality function
r  Polar coordinate function
Xt  Parametric graph function
Yt  Parametric graph function
X  Constant graph function
Recalling dynamic graph setup data DYNA
Strt  Start value of the interval
End  End value of the interval
Pitch  Increment of the interval
Recalling table setup and content data TABL
Strt  Table range start value
End  Table range end value
Pitch  Table value increment
Reslt  Result matrix of table contents
Recalling recursion formulas RECR
RECR  Recursion formula, table range and table content data
Recalling equation coefficients EQUA
S·Rlt  Simultaneous results
S·Cof  Simultaneous coefficients
P·Rlt  Polynomial solutions
P·Cof  Polynomial coefficients
Recalling financial calculation data TVM
n  Installments
I%  Anual interest rate
PV  Present value
PMT  Payment
FV  Future value
P/Y  Installment periods per year
C/Y  Compounding periods per year
String command Str
Priority sequence of calculations
Calculation results
 EXE  Execute
 =  Equal sign
Clipboard functions
 CLIP  Store in clipboard
CPY·L  Copy line
COPY  Copy text
CUT  Cut text
 PASTE  Paste from clipboard
 r  Radius operator
 ∠  Polar form operator
 θ  Theta operator
 A   B   C   D   E   F   G   H   I   J   K   L   M   N   O   P   Q   R   S   T   U   V   W   X   Y   Z 
 r   θ   ٬٬ 
Variables (Alpha memories)
 A     ⁓     Z         r       θ
  ➞   Assign
Answer memory
 Ans  Recall from answer memory
Capture memories
 CAPTURE  Store screen image in capture memory
CAPT Capture memory
Rcl Recall from capture memory
Dynamic graph memory
STO Store dynamic graph
RCL Recall dynamic graph
File memories
FILE Recall from file memory
FILE Store in file memory
Function memories
FMEM Function memory
STO Store function
RCL Recall function
fn Function number
SEE Show all functions
Graphic memories
GMEM Graphic memory
STO Store graph
RCL Recall graph
List answer memory
List memories
Matrix answer memory
Matrix memories
L→M Transfer contents of lists to a matrix
M→L  Assign matrix column to a list
Picture memories
PICT Specify background picture
Sto Store picture
Rcl Recall picture
Replay memory
 REPLAY   Replay functions
String memories
 ٬٬  Double quote
Str String command
V-Window memories
V·WIN View window values
STO  Store settings
RCL  Recall settings
Basic functions
 +  Addition
 −  Subtraction
 ×  Multiplication
 ÷  Division
   x²   Square
  ^   Powers
 ex  Powers of e
 10 x  Powers of 10
 x⁻¹  Reciprocal
Fraction calculations
  ab/c   Fraction input
 F Fraction Decimal
     Mixed fraction input
Mixed fraction ⇔ improper fraction
Frac  Fraction value
MOD  Modulus of a division
MOD·E  Modulus of a power function
Rmdr  Remainder
Simp  Simplify
Root calculations
     Square root
 ³√    Cube root
 ˟√    Power root

Matrix calculations  Mat 

MAT  Matrix calculations 
DIM Dimension
Matrix input MAT
2×2 Matrix
3×3 Matrix
m×n Matrix
Logarithmic calculations
 log  Common logarithm
  ln   Natural logarithm
logab Logarithm
Trigonometric functions
 sin   Sine
 cos  Cosine
 tan  Tangent
 sin-1  Inverse sine
 cos-1  Inverse cosine
 tan-1  Inverse tangent

Decimal functions

 •  Decimal point
Int÷ Integer division
Intg Largest integer
Rnd Internal rounding
 EXP  Exponents of 10
Bin  0     1 
Oct  0     1     2     3     4     5     6     7 
Dec  0     1     2     3     4     5     6     7     8     9 
Hex  0     1     2     3     4     5     6     7     8     9     A     B     C     D     E     F 
 π  Number pi
 e Number e
 i  Number i
Special characters
 (−)  Minus sign
 :  Multi-statement
In between
 '  Apostrophe
 "  Double quote
 \  Backslash
  (      )   Round parentheses
 {    }  Braces
 [    ]  Brackets
 DEL  Delete
 DEL Delete screen information
 UNDO  Undo
Special keys
 SHIFT  Shift
 ALPHA  Alpha
 A-LOCK  Alpha lock
 EXIT  Exit / Close screen / Unlock keyboard
Function keys
F1    F2    F3    F4    F5    F6
Trace a graph  Trace 
TRCE  Trace a graph
Zoom of a graph  Zoom 
BOX  Box zoom
FACT  Factor
IN  Reduce zoom
OUT  Enlarge zoom
AUTO  Automatic
ORIG  Original size
SQR  Graph correction
RND  Coordinate rounding
INTG  Integer
PRE  Previous
View Window of a graph  V·Window 
INIT  Initial settings
TRIG  Initial settings using specified angle unit
STD  Standardized settings
STO  Store settings
RCL  Recall settings
Sketch a graph  Sketch 
Cls  Clear screen
Tang  Tangent line
Norm  Line normal to a curve
Inv  Inverse function
GRPH Manual graphing
PLOT  Plot
LINE  Line
Circl  Circle
Vert  Vertical line
Hztl  Horizontal line
Text  Text input
PIXL  Pixels
Test  Test
STYL  Line style
Solve a graph  G-Solv 
ROOT  Calculate root
MAX  Maximum value
MIN  Minimum value
Y·ICPT  y-intercept
ISCT  Intersect
Y·CAL  y-coordinate for a given x-coordinate
X·CAL  x-coordinate for a given y-coordinate
P·CAL  Calculate an estimated p-value
∫dx  Integral value for a given range
Switch between graph and table  G
GT  Graph Table
Display screen
JUMP Display control
DRAW  Draw a graph
 INS  Insert
 △   ◁   ▷   ▽ 
Cursor control
 REPLAY   Replay functions
 □□  Switch between screens
 □■  Toggle between screens
Display converted values DISP
Dec Transform to decimal
Hex Transform to hexadecimal
Bin Transform to binary
Oct Transform to octal
Background light   LIGHT  
Contrast Adjustment Contrast
 CATALOG  Catalog with commands
 CTGY  Category
 List  List

Numeral system for input d∼o

d Decimal
h Hexadecimal
b Binary
o Octal

Mathematical calculations MATH

MAT Matrix specification
logab Logarithmic calculation
Abs Absolute value calculation
d/dx Differential calculation
d²/dx² Quadratic differential calculation
∫dx Integration calculation
∑( Sum calculation

Dynamic graphing DYNA

SEL Select graph
DEL Delete graph
TYPE Type of graph
VAR Variables
B-IN Built-in function types
RCL Recall graph

Statistical calculations CALC

1VAR  Single-variable
2VAR  Paired-variable
REG  Regression calculation
SET  Graph settings (graph types, list assignments)

Distribution calculations DIST

NORM Normal distribution
Npd  Normal probability density
Ncd  Normal cumulative distribution
InvN  Inverse normal cumulative distribution
t  Student-t distribution
tPd  Student-t probability density
tCd  Student-t cumulative distribution
InvT  Inverse student-t cumulative distribution
CHI  χ2 distribution
CPd  χ2 probability density
CCd  χ2 cumulative distribution
InvC  Inverse χ2 cumulative distribution
F  F distribution
FPd  F probability density
FCd  F cumulative distribution
InvF  Inverse F cumulative distribution
BINM  Binomial distribution
BPd  Binomial probability
BCd  Binomial cumulative distribution
InvB  Inverse binomial cumulative distribution
POISN  Poisson distribution
PPd  Poisson probability
PCd  Poisson cumulative distribution
InvP  Inverse poisson cumulative distribution
GEO  Geometric distribution
GPd  Geometric probability
GCd  Geometric cumulative distribution
InvG  Inverse geometric cumulative distribution
H·GEO  Hypergeometric distribution
HPd  Hypergeometric probability
HCd  Hypergeometric cumulative distribution
InvH  Inverse hypergeometric cumulative distribution

Statistical graph settings SET

Single-variable XList
LIST  List 1∼26
Single-variable frequency
1  Frequency
LIST  List 1∼26
Paired-variable XList
LIST  List 1∼26
Paired-variable YList
LIST  List 1∼26
Paired-variable frequency
1  Frequency
LIST  List 1∼26
LIST  List 1∼26
LIST  List 1∼26
None  No second stick data
LIST  List 1∼26
None  No third stick data
LIST  List 1∼26
%  Display as percentage for each data element
Data  Display as value for each data element
1  1-to-1 plot
LIST  List 1∼26
Graph type
Scat  Scatter diagram
x y  x y line graph
NPP  Normal probability plot
Pie  Pie graph
Hist  Histogram
Box  Box graph
Bar  Bar graph
N·Dis  Normal distribution curve
Brkn  Broken line graph
X  Linear regression graph
Med  Med graph
x^2  Quadratic regression graph
x^3  Cubic regression graph
x^4  Quartic regression graph
Log  Logarithmic regression graph
EXP  Exponential regression graph
Pwr  Power regression graph
Sin  Sinusoidal regression graph
Lgst  Logistic regression graph
Mark type
X  Cross
On  Display the outliers
Off  Do not display outliers
Error messages


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