fx-82MS fx-82TL fx-9860GII TI-83
CASIO fx-9860GII manual
AC/ON Turn on / All Clear / Interrupt OFF Turn off
Statistics STAT GRPH Graph parameters GPH1 Draw graph1 GPH2 Draw graph2 GPH3 Draw graph3 SEL Simultaneous graph selection SET Statistical graph settings CALC Statistical calculations 1VAR Single-variable 2VAR Paired-variable
REL Relational commands = Equal ≠ Not equal > Greater-than < Less-than ≥ Greater or equal ≤ Less or equal
Dynamic graphing DYNA SEL Select a graph DEL Delete a graph TYPE Type of graph VAR Variable B-IN Built-in function type list RCL Recall dynamic graph memory and draw
Table handling TABLE SEL Select a table DEL Delete formula TYPE Type of table graph STYL Style of table graph SET Table setting TABL Show table format
Graphing conic sections CONICS RECT Rectangular coordinate POL Polar coordinate PARM Parametric
Equations EQUA SIML Simultaneous linear equation POLY Polynomial equation SOLV Solve the equations
EA-200 controller E-CON2 SET Setup EA-200 MEM Setup memory PROG Program converter STRT Start sampling GRPH Graph analysis HELP Help
Data communications LINK TRAN Transmit RECV Receive CABL Cable type WAKE Wakeup setting CAPT Capture screen image
Memory manager MEMORY MAIN Main memory SMEM Storage memory BKUP Backup OPT Optimization
Sytem manager SYSTEM ◁ ► Contrast + − Power properties LANG Language VER Version RSET Reset
d~o Decimal, hexadecimal, binary, octal LOG Logic operations DISP Display conversions
Statistical commands STAT DRAW Draw commands On Draw on Off Draw off
List List command
DIST Distribution commands DrwN Draw normal disribution command Drwt Draw student-t disribution command DrwC Draw χ2 disribution command DrwT Draw F disribution command
Matrix commands MAT Swap Swap command ×Rw Product of rows command ×Rw+ Product of rows and addition command Rw+ Row addition command
List sort commands LIST Srt·A Sort in ascending order Srt·D Sort in descending order
Graph commands GRPH SEL Select graph On Graph selection on Off Graph selection off
TYPE Type of graph Y= Rectangular coordinate y graph r= Polar coordinate graph Parm Parametric graph X= Rectangular coordinate x graph Y> (Y > f (x) type) inequality graph Y< (Y < f (x) type) inequality graph Y≥ (Y ≥ f (x) type) inequality graph Y≤ (Y ≤ f (x) type) inequality graph X> (X > f (y) type) inequality graph X< (X < f (y) type) inequality graph X≥ (X ≥ f (y) type) inequality graph X≤ (X ≤ f (y) type) inequality graph
STYL Style of graph Normal ■■■■■■ Thick ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Broken ∙∙∙∙∙∙∙ Dotted
GMEM Graph memory Sto Store in memory Rcl Recall from memory
Dynamic graph commands DYNA On Dynamic graph on Off Dynamic graph off Var Dynamic variable TYPE Type of graph Y= Rectangular coordinate graph r= Polar coordinate graph Parm Parametric graph
Table graph commands TABL On Table graph on Off Table graph off TYPE Type of graph Y= Rectangular coordinate graph r= Polar coordinate graph Parm Parametric graph STYL Style of graph Normal ■■■■■■ Thick ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Broken ∙∙∙∙∙∙∙ Dotted
Recursion graph commands RECR SEL+S Select a function and a style On Recursion graph on Off Recursion graph off Normal ■■■■■■ Thick ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Broken ∙∙∙∙∙∙∙ Dotted
TYPE Type of recursion graph an General term of the sequence an+1 Linear two-term recursion an+2 Linear three-term recursion
n.an·· Recursion generation settings n Number an Linear one-term recursion an+1 Linear two-term recursion an+2 Linear three-term recursion bn Linear one-term recursion bn+1 Linear two-term recursion bn+2 Linear three-term recursion Cn Linear one-term recursion Cn+1 Linear two-term recursion Cn+2 Linear three-term recursion Σan Sum of linear one-term recursion Σan+1 Sum of linear two-term recursion Σan+2 Sum of linear three-term recursion Σbn Sum of linear one-term recursion Σbn+1 Sum of linear two-term recursion Σbn+2 Sum of linear three-term recursion ΣCn Sum of linear one-term recursion ΣCn+1 Sum of linear two-term recursion ΣCn+2 Sum of linear three-term recursion
RANG Range data settings a0 Range a0 a1 Range a1
Complex number calculations CPLX i Imaginary unit Abs Absolute value Arg Argument Conjg Conjugate ReP Real part ImP Imaginary part ►r∠θ Polar transformation ►a+bi Rectangular transformation
Statistical data manipulation functions STAT x̂ Estimated x-value command ŷ Estimated y-value command DIST Distribution calculatons S·Dev Standard deviation command VAR Variance command
Metric conversions CONV ► Link commands LENG Length AREA Area VLUM Volume TIME Time TMPR Temperature VELO Velocity MASS Mass FORC Force PRES Pressure ENGY Energy PWR Power
Hyperbolic functions HYP sinh Hyperbolic sine cosh Hyperbolic cosine tanh Hyperbolic tangent sinh-1 Inverse hyperbolic sine cosh-1 Inverse hyperbolic cosine tanh-1 Inverse hyperbolic tangent
Enter angle units ANGL o Degrees r Radians g Grads Coordinate conversion Rec( Rectangular coordinates Pol( Polar coordinates Degrees - Minutes - Seconds o , ,, Input of degrees-minutes-seconds o , ,, Convert decimal to degrees-minutes-seconds ►DMS Transform to degrees-minutes-seconds
Enter engineering symbols ESYM m milli µ micro n nano p pico f femto k kilo M Mega G Giga T Tera P Peta E Exa Engineering notation ENG Engineering notation (left) ENG Engineering notation (right)
Background picture PICT Sto Store picture Rcl Recall picture
Function memory FMEM fn Function number
Logic operators LOGIC And Logical AND Or Logical OR Not Logical NOT Xor Logical XOR
Captured image CAPT Rcl Recall screen image
Recalling zoom factors FACT Xfct x-axis zoom factor
Yfct y-axis zoom factor
Recalling graph functions GRPH Y Rectangular coordinate or inequality function r Polar coordinate function Xt Parametric graph function Yt Parametric graph function X Constant graph function
Recalling dynamic graph setup data DYNA Strt Start value of the interval End End value of the interval Pitch Increment of the interval
Recalling table setup and content data TABL Strt Table range start value End Table range end value Pitch Table value increment Reslt Result matrix of table contents
Recalling recursion formulas RECR RECR Recursion formula, table range and table content data
Recalling equation coefficients EQUA S·Rlt Simultaneous results S·Cof Simultaneous coefficients P·Rlt Polynomial solutions P·Cof Polynomial coefficients
Recalling financial calculation data TVM n Installments I% Anual interest rate PV Present value PMT Payment FV Future value P/Y Installment periods per year C/Y Compounding periods per year
String command Str
Priority sequence of calculations
Calculation results
EXE Execute = Equal sign
Clipboard functions
CLIP Store in clipboard CPY·L Copy line COPY Copy text CUT Cut text PASTE Paste from clipboard
r Radius operator ∠ Polar form operator θ Theta operator
SPACE A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z r θ ٬٬
Variables (Alpha memories)
A ⁓ Z r θ
➞ Assign Answer memory Ans Recall from answer memory
Capture memories CAPTURE Store screen image in capture memory CAPT Capture memory Rcl Recall from capture memory
Dynamic graph memory STO Store dynamic graph RCL Recall dynamic graph
File memories FILE Recall from file memory FILE Store in file memory
Function memories FMEM Function memory STO Store function RCL Recall function fn Function number SEE Show all functions
Graphic memories GMEM Graphic memory STO Store graph RCL Recall graph
List answer memory
List memories
Matrix answer memory
Matrix memories L→M Transfer contents of lists to a matrix M→L Assign matrix column to a list
Picture memories PICT Specify background picture Sto Store picture Rcl Recall picture
Replay memory REPLAY Replay functions
String memories ٬٬ Double quote Str String command
V-Window memories V·WIN View window values STO Store settings RCL Recall settings
Basic functions
+ Addition − Subtraction × Multiplication ÷ Division
x² Square ^ Powers ex Powers of e 10 x Powers of 10 x⁻¹ Reciprocal
Fraction calculations
Root calculations
√ Square root ³√ Cube root ˟√ Power root
►MAT Matrix calculations DIM Dimension Matrix input MAT 2×2 Matrix 3×3 Matrix m×n Matrix
Logarithmic calculations
log Common logarithm ln Natural logarithm logab Logarithm
Trigonometric functions
sin Sine cos Cosine tan Tangent sin-1 Inverse sine cos-1 Inverse cosine tan-1 Inverse tangent
• Decimal point Int÷ Integer division Intg Largest integer Rnd Internal rounding EXP Exponents of 10
Bin 0 1 Oct 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Dec 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Hex 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F
π Number pi e Number e i Number i
Special characters
(−) Minus sign ❜ Separator : Multi-statement ~ In between ' Apostrophe " Double quote \ Backslash
( ) Round parentheses { } Braces [ ] Brackets
DEL Delete DEL Delete screen information UNDO Undo
Special keys
SHIFT Shift ALPHA Alpha A-LOCK Alpha lock EXIT Exit / Close screen / Unlock keyboard
Function keys
F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6
Display screen
JUMP Display control DRAW Draw a graph INS Insert △ ◁ ▷ ▽
Cursor control REPLAY Replay functions □□ Switch between screens □■ Toggle between screens
Display converted values DISP ►Dec Transform to decimal ►Hex Transform to hexadecimal ►Bin Transform to binary ►Oct Transform to octal Background light ☼ LIGHT Contrast Adjustment Contrast
CATALOG Catalog with commands CTGY Category List List
d Decimal h Hexadecimal b Binary o Octal
Mathematical calculations MATH
SEL Select graph DEL Delete graph TYPE Type of graph VAR Variables B-IN Built-in function types RCL Recall graph
1VAR Single-variable 2VAR Paired-variable REG Regression calculation SET Graph settings (graph types, list assignments)
Distribution calculations DIST
Statistical graph settings SET
Single-variable XList LIST List 1∼26
Single-variable frequency 1 Frequency LIST List 1∼26
Paired-variable XList LIST List 1∼26
Paired-variable YList LIST List 1∼26
Paired-variable frequency 1 Frequency LIST List 1∼26
Data LIST List 1∼26
Data1 LIST List 1∼26
Data2 None No second stick data LIST List 1∼26
Data3 None No third stick data LIST List 1∼26
Display % Display as percentage for each data element Data Display as value for each data element
Frequency 1 1-to-1 plot LIST List 1∼26
Mark type ☐ Square X Cross ■ Dot
Outliers On Display the outliers Off Do not display outliers
Error messages