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قواعد الحساب

وضع علماء الرياضيات قواعد الحساب القياسية لتجنب الالتباس. ليس لها معنى خاص، ولكنها مختارة بعناية. وعليك الالتزام بها إذا كنت تريد الانضمام إلى بقية العالم.


Order of operations

Mathematical operations follow rules of precedence, that is

A Casio fx-82MS calculator also works according to these rules.


Example 1

The rules force a particular syntax, such as in

6 + 3 × 5  = 21

and so it is not


Sometimes it has advantages to use parentheses, if only for readability, because at

all is clear.


Example 2

In the calculation of

you must first perform the exponentiation, and only then take the square root. Thus


is completely wrong. The parentheses must be solved from inside to outside, so



Nothing is said about the use of parentheses, which play a special role.

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