fx-82MS fx-82TL fx-9860GII
Answer memory
On a Casio calculator answer memory contents are updated with result whenever you press = after inputting values or an expression. Answer memory contents are also updated with result whenever you press % or A through F or X Y M or M+ M− .
Example 1
To calculate
2 0 0 ÷ 7 = × Ans×_
28.5711 4 = Ans×14
Example 2
To calculate (√2√2)√2 = 2
√ 2 ∧ √ 2 = ∧ √ 2 = Ans∧√2
Example 3
To store the value 123 in variable A
1 2 3 RCL A 123→A
Example 4
To discount the sum of 168 and 98 and 734 by 20%
1 6 8 + 9 8 + 7 3 4 = 168+98+734
and store the result in variable A
Ans RCL A Ans→A
and finally
A A_
1,000.× 2 0 = − A×20%−