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On a Casio calculator you can obtain the reciprocal of a number



Example 1

To calculate the reciprocal of 2 as 2−1 = 0.5

 2  x-1 =  2-1

or with a negative exponent as 2−1 = 0.5

 2  ^  1  =  2^−1

or as the division 1 ÷ 2 = 0.5

 1  ÷  2  =  1÷2

or as the fraction 1 / 2 = 0.5

 1  a b/c  2  =  12
a b/c  12


Example 2

To calculate  = 0.707107

   2  x-1 =  √2-1

but you can also enter this as

 2  ^  1  =  √2^−1

and because  also as

 1  ÷  2  =  1÷√2


Example 3

To enter 0−1

 0  x-1 = Math ERROR 

Dividing by zero always produces a message.


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